Helicoid™ Industries has partnered with world leading manufacturers in the defense market to develop our patented Helicoid™ protection solutions to meet the demands of this growing industry. Results have shown that the Helicoid™ technology, forces cracks to propagate helicoidally between fiber layers which creates a much larger surface area per unit crack, hence amplifying the total energy dissipated during impact. This makes our Helicoid™ protection solutions extremely effective against impact and high velocity strikes with lighter & higher protection through improved energy dissipation.
Helicoid™ protection solutions provide a variety of highly customizable options for ballistic applications offering numerous possibilities to tailor our solutions and get improved performance. Helicoid™ benefits in ballistic applications are especially maximized when used in combination with structural materials, such as Carbon or Glass fiber reinforced composite. This delivers a truly multifunctional ballistic shield characterized by high stiffness, strength, and toughness.
Helicoid™ protection solutions include:
Body Armor (Soft Body and Hard Body Armor)
Helmets & Shields
Military Vehicle Armor & Civilian Vehicle Armor

Helicoid Industries Inc. was awarded the Defense Innovation Award at the Tech Connect Defense Summit & Expo in October 2019.